Tuesday 26 March 2019

6 steps to make your web design accessible

6 steps to make your web design accessible

We live in a world where we’re increasingly dependent on the internet for everything we do. Think about it: where did you find your last job? How did you apply for that job? How do you do your banking? Where do you do your shopping? How do you stay in touch with your friends and loved ones?

illustration of a female doctor sitting at a desk with three screens above her head, each displaying a different app
We use the internet for nearly everything, and this isn’t going to change. App design by Spoon Lancer.
The internet may be an ever-present resource for most people, but for those living with a disability, connectivity is not always a given. There are programs and devices that make it possible for people with disabilities to access your entire website, like screen readers, but these are only part of the solution.

The other part of the equation is designing websites and apps in a way that makes them accessible for people with disabilities, either through the use of assistive devices or simply through thoughtful design.